Thursday, August 18, 2011

Favorite Child Development Quote

". . . if we trust the capacity of the human individual for developing his own potential, then we can permit him the opportunity to choose his own way in his learning."

~ Carl R. Rogers

This quote is one of my favorites because it brings to light that each person is an individual with their own way of learning.  This does not make any one method right or wrong, it just gives everyone the opportunity to choose their own way in which they learn best regardless of abilities.


  1. I have truly enjoyed all your posts! I hope you have great success during your career! Thank you, also, for such a great quote!
    -Hailey B.

  2. Robin, I have not heard that quote before but it will now become embedded in my own blog page and in the fabric of my being. It simply states the very essence of what I want to live each day in my classroom and work with children. Thank you for sharing it!

  3. I wish you both well in your careers and studies. I love that quote as well as it says what I believe so simply.


  4. Thank you for choosing such a profound quote. I hope that as we all continue to move through this program that we will continue learning more and more ways to allow children the freedom to construct their own knowledge. Good luck and thank you for sharing your experiences in learning with us.

  5. Robin,

    I enjoyed reading your posts and your point of view always made me think! Thank you and hopefully we will be in other classes together!

    Thank you
