Friday, October 14, 2011


I have found as I grow older (age in years not in spirit) the various supports in my life change.  These supports can be social/emotional in nature; practical; physical or just daily things needed to help with the multiple of hats I wear each day (as so many of us do).  These supports also can change minute by minute; daily; etc… all dependent on how the day is going.

An example of social/emotional supports would be when I need to vent or ask advice and know that my friends and family are there for me.  The best example of this would be when my husband passed away in a motor vehicle accident.  It seemed as if everyone we knew came out to lend their support in some way or form.  These are also the same individuals which I know I can still count on for support no matter what is happening.

Examples of practical supports/physical supports on a daily basis can range anywhere from my day planner; computer working correctly; support from my peers; hoping I get paid by all the parents for the weeks’ childcare so I can pay my own bills; to support from my children such as taking the air conditioners out, etc…; my grocery list; and curriculum plans for the week.

There are plenty more supports in which I receive/need/or supply to others on a daily basis but these were a few examples of them.  When I imagine having all my supports taken away, it is not a pleasant thought at all.  Life would definitely be much harder if the supports I have come to rely on just disappeared.  I will admit that I am spoiled by technology and extremely fortunate to have great children and friends which allow me to keep my little part of the world on a pretty even level for the most part.  Though these supports may not be needed each day, it is always great to know they are here when they are needed.

So a great big THANK YOU for all the supports I have in my life!