Friday, October 5, 2012


For this week’s blog assignment we were asked to post two or three advertising campaign messages that we believe are inspiring.  The two that I chose are:  “Every Beat Matters” (; and “You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent” ( 

I feel that both advertising campaigns send effective messages which therefore will create action on the parts of individuals.  When deciding on which advertising campaign message I wanted to use, I read the overview of “Every Beat Matters” and I found it to be very well presented and it peaked my interest right away (gave statistics such as 7 million children in the developing world die of largely preventable or treatable illnesses before they reach the age of five – that equates to roughly 19,000 child deaths a day; listed the diseases such as leading causes of death which include newborn complications, pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria)( Once I finished reading the overview, I went to the website and was able to watch the TV commercial as well as see how the song which used real children’s heartbeats was created in order to spread the word for the importance of the need for Frontline Health Workers.  The website itself was great as well as it give ways each of us can take action (

As a foster parent I was drawn right to the advertising campaign “You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent.”  I remember this advertising campaign very well and really believe since it portrayed regular people, who are not perfect, that it made an impact on individuals who may normally not take that next step to adopt from the foster care system.  These ads where meant to reassure prospective parents that even if no “perfect,” they have the ability to provide the stability and security that children in foster care need and deserve (  I also liked how there is available case studies; real stories; and research which backs up these two advertising campaigns.  I would recommend that anyone interested in these topics visit the websites for more information.


Ad Council. (n.d.). Ad Council. Retrieved from

Adopting Children from Foster Care. (n.d.). Adopting Children from Foster Care. Retrieved from

Every Beat Matters. (n.d.). Every Beat Matters: A Campaign by Save the Children. Retrieved from


  1. I like how you used the ones that were close to your heart. I think this is the key to working adverstisment. If they can connect to people, then their efforts are working. Great post on two advertisments I did not know about.

  2. Robin,
    I had not heard of Every beat matters and it is both enlightening and informative information that I find necesary to share with the Center Administrator for the infant and toddler program at Head Start.
    It is wonderful that you are a foster mother.There are so many children and young adults in need of someone to care for them when their parent's can't or don't want to care for them.

    Kudo's to you!

